Exo-S manufactures the only blow-molded one-piece performance ski. Our technologically advanced blow-molding process produces a ski with all the characteristics you look for. Light weight, durabili...
Description: Exo-S manufactures the only blow-molded one-piece performance ski. Our technologically advanced blow-molding process produces a ski with all the characteristics you look for. Light weight,...More Details »
Description: The height of Cobra windshields are measured from the point where the shield meets the hood straight up to the tallest point of the shield.
Each of these dual carbide runners have two single runners mounted to a steel plate, producing a total of four contact lines on the terrain. These four blades with 60° carbide drastically reduce d...
Description: Each of these dual carbide runners have two single runners mounted to a steel plate, producing a total of four contact lines on the terrain. These four blades with 60° carbide drastically reduce...More Details »