EBC Brakes™ Semi-Sintered V-Pads™ are a new blended Semi-Sintered brake pad that combine the highest qualities of an organic brake pad with the endurance of a sintered equivalent brake pad.
Description: EBC Brakes™ Semi-Sintered V-Pads™ are a new blended Semi-Sintered brake pad that combine the highest qualities of an organic brake pad with the endurance of a sintered equivalent brake pad.
New EBC Clutch tools are available for most modern motorcycle and ATV clutch configurations and more are being added every month. The EBC tools can hold the basket or the plate hub to allow looseni...
Description: New EBC Clutch tools are available for most modern motorcycle and ATV clutch configurations and more are being added every month. The EBC tools can hold the basket or the plate hub to allow...More Details »
Damping rod forks are notorious for being both too harsh yet too easy to bottom. This is the nature of damping rod fixed orifice forks. In the past all that could be done to improve these forks was...
Description: Damping rod forks are notorious for being both too harsh yet too easy to bottom. This is the nature of damping rod fixed orifice forks. In the past all that could be done to improve these forks was...More Details »